Four quadrants of emotional energy
Vocal expressions of positive emotions
Search Google for Mood trackers.
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What is Your Mood Today?
Cognitive Distortions and Thinking Errors
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Mindfulness in everyday life – mindful eating, give others undivided attention, mindfully listen to music, noticing when your mind wanders,
Mindful eating and free mindful eating journal – presence and awareness when eating
Mindful eating journal – journal sample
Practicing mindfulness through the day – attention in the present moment
Walking meditation
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How to bullet journal?
Other YouTube videos about bullet journaling
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– emotional hunger and physical hunger
– emotional eating cycle
– practice mindful eating
– dealing with cravings
Stop Emotional Eating From Stress
Mindful eating and mindful eating journal
Sample of Mindful eating journal in pdf
Example of mindful eating journal
There are plenty eating journals on ETSY
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Find a prayer for your emotional situation.
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Learned Optimism How to Change Your Mind and Your Life – MartinE.P. Seligman
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About focusing attention on things we can change instead to things we can not. To choose life.
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Before praying any of these prayers, make sure you are right with God (that you are born again- saved!) by receiving Jesus Christ in your heart according to Rom 10:9-10, which says:
“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Ephesians. 2:8-9 says that “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.“
Salvation is a gift from God and cannot be earned by self-effort. JUST RECEIVE IT IN YOUR HEART by praying out loud, the Prayer for Salvation BELOW:
“Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I have done things that are not pleasing to You. I repent of them now. Please forgive me and come live in my heart. I now confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart, that God raised Him from the dead and I receive You JESUS as my Lord and Savior and I fully commit my life to You. Thank You for writing my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Amen.”
First pray the Prayer to Forgive and then Prayer to release bitterness, anger etc., both prayed out LOUD!
“Father God, I choose to forgive________ (insert name of offender and speak the name loud,” – this can be husband, wife, child, father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, friend, pastor, mentor, business partner, coworker etc.). What this ____ (name) did to me is sin. Take this sin from ____ (name) and put it on the cross. And on the day of judgement when I stand before Your Throne, I will hold no accusation against _____ (name). Father, I ask you to bless ______ (person’s name), in Jesus’ name
Now, declare out loudly:
“I lay down bitterness, resentment, hatred, offenses and rebellion I have against ________ (name), and I command the demon spirits of bitterness, resentment, offense, hatred, and rebellion to come out and leave right now and never return in Jesus’ name”
Father, I confess the fruit of my life is not what it should be, and that needs to change. I also recognize by the words of my mouth that my heart needs to change. I confess there is a battle inside of me. I do not have consistent peace, and that needs to change. Jesus, I am willing to open my heart to You and trust You to make the necessary changes and healing in my broken heart. In Jesus Name, I pray. Father, I thank You, for the healing and restoration that You are bringing to my heart. Amen!
Put your hand on your heart (spiritual heart is in the belly) and pray in the authority Jesus Christ has given you:
“Father in the name of Jesus, I curse the spirits of trauma and fear, anxiety, hopelessness, depression, oppression, rejection, abandonment, loss, spirit of grief, insecurity and worthlessness. I command all that to go away in Jesus Name. All feelings of worthlessness, that I will never amount to anything, I command them to go away in the name of Jesus. Depart from me, fear of failure, fear of never doing anything right, abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, loss of job, or, loss of income, fear of the unknown, in the name of Jesus I command you all to go right now and never return.
(When you start this cleansing prayer, your heart maybe full of pain and grief, but as you pray it, it will become empty. Therefore, in the name of Jesus, fill your heart by praying this prayer.)
Father in the Name of Jesus, I speak love, hope, rest, peace of mind, and no more loss. I speak these over myself in Jesus’ authority, and I receive restoration and health to my body, health to my spirit, health to my mind and health to my emotions. I allow my heart, layer upon layer to be filled with God’s love. Fill my heart Lord with only You and You are alone. Thank You Lord Jesus for loving me unconditionally!